A personalized and creative approach to every project

We create hangers that highlight the uniqueness of your brand and product

Hanger production in Warsaw

Purple door hanger with "Please do not disturb" text and clouds
We offer a wide variety of materials and printing options so that each hanger fully matches your customer’s preferences and your brand’s style.

Hangers for every need

Beautiful and practical hangers that enhance the value of your products.
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Standart Hanger

price for 10 pcs
premium white paper 200 g/m²
80x210 mm
matte film on both sides
single-sided color (4+0 CMYK)
plotter cutting


Turnaround Time
up to 2 hours

Premium Hanger

price for 10 pcs
premium white paper 300 g/m²
90x245 mm
matte film on both sides
double-sided color (4+4 CMYK)
plotter cutting


Turnaround Time
up to 2 hours

Create your
own design

Print exactly what you need.

Contact us, and we’ll help you prepare and estimate your order.

A powerful marketing tool for your advertising campaign

We design marketing hangers that not only serve as an effective promotional tool but also meet environmental standards. With our hangers, your brand can promote itself effectively while staying eco-conscious.

Light blue hanger with "Cleaning" text
Purple "Do not disturb" hanger with hand icon
Red hanger with "Please do not disturb" text
Green hanger with "Please pick up laundry" text
Blue and yellow hanger with "Please do not disturb" text and moon graphic
Three door hangers: black "Please replace towels", white "Come back later" with "zzz" graphic, yellow with flower graphic

Personalized hanger design

We offer a tailored approach to hanger design, allowing them to be fully customized to your brand’s needs. Our options include hangers made from eco-friendly materials, making them an excellent choice for companies that care about the environment.

Three door hangers in various colors: dark blue "Do not disturb", mint with hand graphic, orange "Please make up room"
Pink door hanger with "Room available" text and flower graphic
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Need Assistance?

If you can't find the product you're looking for on our website or need help with your order, contact our sales team. We’re here to assist you!

Or call us at:

+48 459 566 969
Our results speak for themselves.

Customer impressions of our hangers.

Find out what clients say about working with us.
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Or call us:

+48 459 566 969


What materials do we use for hanger production?

– We use a variety of materials, including paper and plastic, as well as eco-friendly options like recycled paper.

How long does it take to complete a hanger order?

– The standard production time ranges from a few hours, depending on the quantity and complexity of the project.

Do we offer hanger designs for small businesses?

– Yes, we provide solutions tailored to businesses of all sizes, from large corporations to small companies.
